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`[Inter-school Mobile Application Design Competition 2015][校際手機應用程式設計大賽2015][校际手机应用程式设计大赛2015]` post created successfully

`[Inter-school Quiz Final Contest 2015][2015全港校際網上個人資料私隱保障問答大賽][2015全港校际网上个人资料私隐保障问答大赛]` post created successfully

`[Inter-School Team Chess Tournament][香港國際象棋總會聯校比賽][香港国际象棋总会联校比赛]` post created successfully

`[IT Challenge Award][資訊科技挑戰獎勵計劃][资讯科技挑战奖励计划]` post created successfully

`[Jump Rope for Heart Inter-School Rope Skipping Competition 2015][「跳繩強心」校際花式跳繩比賽2015][“跳绳强心”校际花式跳绳比赛2015]` post created successfully

`[New Territories Inter-Area Primary Schools Swimming Competition][新界地域小學區際游泳比賽][新界地域小学区际游泳比赛]` post created successfully

`[Robotics Intelligence DIY 2015][智能機械由我創2015][智能机械由我创2015]` post created successfully

`[Roche Young Scientist Award][羅氏少年科學家大獎][罗氏少年科学家大奖]` post created successfully

`[Sai Kung Area Inter-Primary Schools Table-tennis Competition][西貢區小學校際乒乓球比賽][西贡区小学校际乒乓球比赛]` post created successfully

`[Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiads 2015][新加坡數學競賽決賽 2015][新加坡数学竞赛决赛 2015]` post created successfully

`[The 11th Cisco Hong Kong-Macau Youth Networking Skill Competition 2015][思科網路學院第十一屆港澳青少年網路技能大賽2015][思科网路学院第十一届港澳青少年网路技能大赛2015]` post created successfully

`[The 14th Sai Kung Area Inter-Primary Schools Football Competition][第十四屆西貢區小學校際足球比賽][第十四届西贡区小学校际足球比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 17th All Hong Kong Inter-Area Primary School Athletics Competition][第十七屆全港小學區際田徑比賽][第十七届全港小学区际田径比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 17th Sai Kung Area Inter-Primary Schools Swimming Competition][第十七屆西貢區小學校際游泳比賽][第十七届西贡区小学校际游泳比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 17th Sai Kung Area Inter-Primary Schools Volleyball Competition][第十七屆西貢區小學校際排球比賽][第十七届西贡区小学校际排球比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 18th Sai Kung Area Inter-Primary Schools Athletics Competition][第十八屆西貢區小學校際田徑比賽][第十八届西贡区小学校际田径比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 18th Sai Kung Area Inter-Primary Schools Basketball Competition][第十八屆西貢區小學校際籃球比賽][第十八届西贡区小学校际篮球比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 19th Hong Kong School Chinese and English Penmanship Competition][第十九屆全港中小學中英文硬筆書法比賽][第十九届全港中小学中英文硬笔书法比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 30th Sing Tao Inter-School Debating Competition][星島第三十屆全港校際辯論比賽][星岛第三十届全港校际辩论比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 40th Hong Kong Youth Cultural & Art Competition][第40屆全港青年學藝比賽][第40届全港青年学艺比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 40th Hong Kong Youth Cultural & Arts Competition][第40屆全港青年學藝比賽][第40届全港青年学艺比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 43rd Open Dance Contest][第43屆全港公開舞蹈比賽][第43届全港公开舞蹈比赛]` post created successfully

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