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`[A.S. Watson Group Hong Kong][屈臣氏集團香港學生運動員獎][屈臣氏集团香港学生运动员奖]` post created successfully

`[All Hong Kong Inter-Primary Schools Gymnastic Competition][全港小學校際體操比賽][全港小学校际体操比赛]` post created successfully

`[Flag guard Competition][旗手護旗比賽][旗手护旗比赛]` post created successfully

`[Healthy Campus Ball Games Day][健康校園球賽同樂日][健康校园球赛同乐日]` post created successfully

`[Hong Kong Inter-School Team Chess Championships][香港校際象棋錦標賽2013][香港校际象棋锦标赛2013]` post created successfully

`[Hong Kong Physics Olympiad 2013][2013香港物理奧林匹克][2013香港物理奥林匹克]` post created successfully

`[Hong Kong Secondary School Photography Competition 2013 -- "Momentary"][全港中學生攝影比賽2013 - "Momentary"][全港中学生摄影比赛2013 -- "Momentary"]` post created successfully

`[Inter-School Athletics Competition (Division Three Kowloon Four)][中學校際田徑錦標賽 (九龍第三組四區)][中学校际田径锦标赛 (九龙第三组四区)]` post created successfully

`[Inter-School Athletics Competition (Division Two)][中學校際田徑錦標賽 (第二組)][中学校际田径锦标赛 (第二组)]` post created successfully

`[Inter-School Badminton Competition (Division Three Kowloon)][中學校際羽毛球賽 (九龍第三組)][中学校际羽毛球赛 (九龙第三组)]` post created successfully

`[Inter-School Badminton Competition (Division Three Kowloon One)][中學校際羽毛球賽 (九龍第三組一區)][中学校际羽毛球赛 (九龙第三组一区)]` post created successfully

`[Inter-School Basketball Competition (Division Three Kowloon One)][中學校際籃球比賽 (九龍第三組一區)][中学校际篮球比赛 (九龙第三组一区)]` post created successfully

`[Inter-School Fencing Competition (Kowloon)][中學校際劍擊比賽(九龍區)][中学校际剑击比赛(九龙区)]` post created successfully

`[Inter-School Football Competition (Division Three Kowloon Three)][中學校際足球比賽 (九龍第三組三區)][中学校际足球比赛 (九龙第三组三区)]` post created successfully

`[Inter-School Swimming Competition (Division Three Kowloon Two)][中學校際游泳錦標賽 (九龍第三組二區)][中学校际游泳锦标赛 (九龙第三组二区)]` post created successfully

`[Inter-School Swimming Competition (Division Two)][中學校際游泳錦標賽 (九龍第三組二區)][中学校际游泳锦标赛 (九龙第三组二区)]` post created successfully

`[MingPao School Competition][明報校際專題報導比賽][明报校际专题报导比赛]` post created successfully

`[New Territories Inter-Area Primary Schools Swimming Competition][新界地域小學區際游泳比賽][新界地域小学区际游泳比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 10th Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong Primary Schools Basketball Invitation Competition][第十屆廠商會盃 小學男子籃球邀請賽][第十届厂商会杯 小学男子篮球邀请赛]` post created successfully

`[The 10th Hong Kong Schools Go Competition][第十屆香港校際圍棋大賽][第十届香港校际围棋大赛]` post created successfully

`[The 15th Hong Kong Youth Mathematical High Achievers Selection Contest][第十五屆香港青少年數學精英選拔賽][第十五届香港青少年数学精英选拔赛]` post created successfully

`[The 15th of the Hong Kong primary and secondary schools in Mandarin speech contest 2013][第十五屆全港中小學普通話演講比賽2013][第十五届全港中小学普通话演讲比赛2013]` post created successfully

`[The 20th Hong Kong Primary Mathematics Olympiad Competition][第二十屆香港小學數學奧林匹克比賽][第二十届香港小学数学奥林匹克比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 30th Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad][第30屆香港數學競賽][第30届香港数学竞赛]` post created successfully

`[The 38th H.K. Youth Cultural & Arts Competitions][第38屆全港青年學藝比賽][第38届全港青年学艺比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 9th Biliteracy and Trilingualism Composition and Speech Competition][第九屆全港中學「兩文三語」菁英大比拼][第九届全港中学「两文三语」菁英大比拼]` post created successfully

`[The ISF Academy 2013 Chess Open (Secondary Section)][弘立書院2013國際象棋公開賽][弘立书院2013国际象棋公开赛]` post created successfully

`[Water Resources Photo Shooting Contest 2013][水資源攝影比賽2013][水资源摄影比赛2013]` post created successfully

`[Ying Wa Primary School Football Invitation Competition][英華小學足球邀請賽][英华小学足球邀请赛]` post created successfully

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