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`[Scout Association of Hong Kong Sports Day][香港童軍總會田徑運動會][香港童军总会田径运动会]` post created successfully

`[Student Ambassador Program 2015/16][學友所承‧校本輔導大使計劃2015/16][学友所承.校本辅导大使计划2015/16]` post created successfully

`[The 15th Pui Ching Invitation Mathematics Competition 2016 - Final Event][第十五屆培正數學邀請賽 決賽][第十五届培正数学邀请赛 决赛]` post created successfully

`[The 15th Sai Kung Area Inter-Primary Schools Football Competition][第十五屆西貢區小學校際足球比賽][第十五届西贡区小学校际足球比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 18th All Hong Kong Inter-Area Primary School Athletics Competition][第十八屆全港小學區際田徑比賽][第十八届全港小学区际田径比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 18th Hong Kong Mathematical High Achievers Selection Contest][第十八屆香港青少年數學精英選拔賽][第十八届香港青少年数学精英选拔赛]` post created successfully

`[The 18th Sai Kung Area Inter-Primary Schools Swimming Competition][第十八屆西貢區小學校際游泳比賽][第十八届西贡区小学校际游泳比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 18th Sai Kung Area Inter-Primary Schools Volleyball Competition][第十八屆西貢區小學校際排球比賽][第十八届西贡区小学校际排球比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 19th Sai Kung Area Inter-Primary Schools Athletics Competition][第十九屆西貢區小學校際田徑比賽][第十九届西贡区小学校际田径比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 19th Sai Kung Area Inter-Primary Schools Badminton Competition][第十九屆西貢區小學校際羽毛球比賽][第十九届西贡区小学校际羽毛球比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 19th Sai Kung Area Inter-Primary Schools Basketball Competition][第十九屆西貢區小學校際籃球比賽][第十九届西贡区小学校际篮球比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 23rd Hong Kong Primary School Mathematical Olympiad][第二十三屆香港小學數學奧林匹克比賽][第二十三届香港小学数学奥林匹克比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 2nd Hong Kong Mathematical and Creative Problem-Solving Competition][第二届香港精算解難及創意挑戰賽][第二届香港精算解难及创意挑战赛]` post created successfully

`[The 33rd Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad (Heat Event)][第33屆香港數學競賽][第33届香港数学竞赛]` post created successfully

`[The 41st Hong Kong Youth Cultural & Arts Competition][第41屆全港青年學藝比賽][第41届全港青年学艺比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 44th Open Dance Contest][第44屆全港公開舞蹈比賽][第44届全港公开舞蹈比赛]` post created successfully

`[The 52nd Hong Kong Schools Dance Festival][第五十二屆學校舞蹈節][第五十二届学校舞蹈节]` post created successfully

`[The 7th Super 24 Invitation Competition][第七屆Super24邀請賽][第七届Super24邀请赛]` post created successfully

`[The Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest Semi-final][2016亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公閞賽-晉級賽][2016亚洲国际数学奥林匹克公閞赛-晋级赛]` post created successfully

`[The ISF Academy 2016 Chess Open][弘立杯國際象棋比賽2016][弘立杯国际象棋比赛2016]` post created successfully

`[Uniform Group Community Orientation Competition][全港制服團隊(小學)定向邀請賽][全港制服团队(小学)定向邀请赛]` post created successfully

`[World Robot Olympiad Hong Kong Regional Selection][世界奧林匹克機械人競賽香港區選拔賽][世界奥林匹克机械人竞赛香港区选拔赛]` post created successfully

`[明報專題報導比賽][明報專題報導比賽][明报专题报导比赛]` post created successfully

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