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`["Huaxia Cup" National Mathematical Olympiad 2015][《華夏盃》全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽 2015][《华夏杯》全国数学奥林匹克邀请赛 2015]` post created successfully

`["V-ARE-ONE" Inter-School Voluntary Service Program 2014-2015][「V-ARE-ONE 義人行」學界義工計劃 2014/2015][“V-ARE-ONE 义人行”学界义工计划 2014/2015]` post created successfully

`[2014-2015 All Hong Kong Primary Schools Outstanding Athletes Awards][2014-2015 全港小學優秀運動員][2014-2015 全港小学优秀运动员]` post created successfully

`[2014-2015 All Hong Kong Primary Schools Overall Championships][2014-2015 全港小學團體全年總錦標][2014-2015 全港小学团体全年总锦标]` post created successfully

`[3D Printing Creativity Incubation Program][3D打印創意培育計劃][3D打印创意培育计划]` post created successfully

`[A.S. Watson Group Hong Kong Student Sports Awards][屈臣氏集團香港學生運動員獎][屈臣氏集团香港学生运动员奖]` post created successfully

`[Annual Review 2015 Flag Team Competition][2015年周年檢閱禮旗隊比賽][2015年周年检阅礼旗队比赛]` post created successfully

`[Annual Review 2015 Marching Competition][2015年周年檢閱禮步操比賽][2015年周年检阅礼步操比赛]` post created successfully

`[Australian National Chemistry Quiz (Year 10 )][澳洲國家化學測試][澳洲国家化学测试]` post created successfully

`[Australian National Chemistry Quiz (Year 8 )][澳洲國家化學測試][澳洲国家化学测试]` post created successfully

`[Elite Championships 2015 - Demo Cup][全港跳繩精英賽 2015(表演盃)][全港跳绳精英赛 2015(表演杯)]` post created successfully

`[Fun With Learning Competition][學習如此多紛「IT學與教」電子套件製作比賽][学习如此多纷“IT学与教”电子套件制作比赛]` post created successfully

`[HKUST Underwater Robot Competition 2015][香港科技大學水底機械人大賽2015][香港科技大学水底机械人大赛2015]` post created successfully

`[Hong Kong and Macau Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest Cum The Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest Trial][2015 港澳數學奧林匹克公閞賽 暨 2015亞洲國際數學奧林匹克公閞賽初賽][2015 港澳数学奥林匹克公閞赛 暨 2015亚洲国际数学奥林匹克公閞赛初赛]` post created successfully

`[Hong Kong Biology Olympaid for Secondary Schools 2014/2015][香港中學生物奧林匹克][香港中学生物奥林匹克]` post created successfully

`[Hong Kong Inter-School Rope Skipping Competition 2015 (Final)][全港學界跳繩比賽2015(決賽)][全港学界跳绳比赛2015(决赛)]` post created successfully

`[Hong Kong Inter-School Rope Skipping Competition 2015 (Kowloon and Hong Kong Island Area)][全港學界跳繩比賽2015(九龍及香港區)][全港学界跳绳比赛2015(九龙及香港区)]` post created successfully

`[Hong Kong Junior Chess Championships 2014][香港青少年國際象棋比賽2014][香港青少年国际象棋比赛2014]` post created successfully

`[Hong Kong Junior Mathematics Olympiad - National Mathematical Forum for Youths 2014-2015][香港初中數學奧林匹克全國青少年數學論壇選拔 (2014-2015)][香港初中数学奥林匹克全国青少年数学论坛选拔 (2014—2015)]` post created successfully

`[Inter-Primary Schools Mini Demo Cup 2015][小學校際表演盃2015][小学校际表演杯2015]` post created successfully

`[Inter-School Athletics Competition (Division Two)][中學校際田徑比賽(第二組)][中学校际田径比赛(第二组)]` post created successfully

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